Publication Chain

Several tools are available for publishing content on the Tribler network. The goal of the Publication Chain is to create a single set of scripts which can be used to publish content of many media organizations.

When publishing content it can be either published on the whole Bittorrent network or restricted to certain use. By using Merkle Hashes etc. for strong authentication of content the access to this content is limited to peers whom use the Tribler client.

Each Tribler client can access this content automatically. Media organizations are offered the following publication choice :

  • Publish publically, backward compatible with Bittorrent.
  • Publish in Tribler only, restricted using Merkle Hashes
  • Publish in Tribler, on-disk encryption, and disabling use for Windows Media Player.
  • Walled garden configuration of Tribler which can only access the content from specific publishers. Tribler can easily be configured to only display the content from certain RSS feeds. The publisher must then offer this pre-configured version of Tribler for download on their website.