AHT Releases open development set-top-box with Tribler.

Delft, January 2008

Tribler peer-to-peer software, developed at Delft University of Technology in cooperation with de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, available for PC, Mac and linux is now released on the Tribbox, developed by AHT, a Dutch set-top-box manufacturer.

Tribler is developed as open source software, meaning that everybody can modify the software to fit his needs. The Tribbox is also released under an open source license. This makes the Tribbox a unique open platform for developing new media applications, based on open source elements.

The TU Delft makes Tribler available on many platforms and endorses development of new applications based on open source technology.

More information and support for the Tribbox is available at: www.tribbox.org. More information about Tribler is available at www.tribler.org.